Hmm..kan buat recap ku dulu eh.. since blog ani baru start kemarin. Baik tah ku buat recap/review of all the happenings. Kira kenangan ku bagi tahun 2008 ani...maklum lah..bulan September dah..kan ampir penghujung tahun..
Cuti & revision pasal ku ada dua subjek resit, aku lagi seorang sja tu yang buat dua paper... I really have to study hard time atu..course resit date ku atu, two straight days..kapisan eh. Everyday ku datang ke ITB, buat revision sama my friends yang resit the same paper, i have to split my time with two different groups..yang buat DB (DataBase) & SE (Software Engineering).
During the exam week/day, 1st paper yang ku resit was DB ingat ku tu..awal pagi ku datang ke ITB buat last minute reading.. tapuk-tapuk tah ku tu arah syndicate room (Orang CIS sja tahu tu dimana tu..ehe) with one of my friend. Time exam atu, inda ku confident langsung since entah blank tia my mind ani..tapi ku bawa berdoa lah..berkat tah jua doa ku atu kali. Syukur!
After abis exam, actually time atu ada career day di ITB..tapi ku nada mood since masih ada one paper to go.. seorang diri tah ku di syndicate room, my mom pun call aku..ingat ku masih tu cakap nya.."Apa tah Exam mu tadi.." then ku ceta kan lah..yang aku inda confident and banar lah takut ku fail wah! my mom pun cakap "owh!! Jangan tah takut..dapat pass tu". At least ada jua word of support from one of my critics..haha!! As usual continue revising for the next paper..and lapas balik rumah..langsung inda ku baca anything..i was so exhausted, i slept till 3Am baru tah ku buat revision balik..and ku awal jalan ke ITB. Once disana, buat last minute reading lagi.. then i saw this past year question..about codings..ku memorize dat coding..with 5 minutes left before masuk tutorial room for the exam. HAHA!! guess what..that question keluar and i manage to answer it..confident banar ku was like easy, for the first time i understand programming..ahahha!! lepas abis exam, ku tanya my friends..what question dorng buat..ku tanya seorang2..panya aku seorang sja yang buat that question the rest chose other questions.
Result exam ku keluar~ ku sengaja datang aher sdikit..late morning dalam pkul 11 lalu.. giler nervous banar ku time atu..its now or never. I met one of my friends di lobby, time atu ia kan ke kereta nya..he said tahniah to me!! i was like banar deh kuar udah result wah..tarus tah ku minta dangani ke atas meliat.. once ampir notice board atu..ada tia result kami atu..ku liat..nama ku..Izni Hakimin and the two papers yang ku resit..both ada "P" which stands for pass... and then a large smile of relieve di muka ku...aku pun cakap..YESSS!!!! Finally ku Graduate!!!!
Then i called my Dad and told him the great news...he like always cooly said " Tahniah..syukur tah dah tu.. bah baik tah cari keraja" and then my mom called.." Pass tah ko?" and i said "Awu!! pass ku dah!!" my mom pun cakap "Tahniah!!, bah apa tah lagi cari tah kraja" heehe.. aku inda dapat beranti senyum...2 straight weeks kali ah ku nda dpt beranti senyum mun ku fikirkan..hahahha!
Not much happening lah bulan march ani...ku masih cuti~ kan berehat ku dulu.. 3 years of mind was exhausted..nasib inda expired..ahhaha!! Sambil atu..balik-balik ku ke ITB, membayar for the jubah and waiting for my jubah to arrive...actually not my jubah lah..aku menyewa sja time atu.. My size alum ada time ku have to wait..waiting lagi~laaaa...
Di bulan ani jua, i broke up with my girlfriend..kami sudah inda sehaluan lagi..i still miss her tapi masa ani ia sudah sama boyfriend barunya..well i wish her well lah sja..aku ani bukan jenis kn menyimpan dendam even though im still upset..but i can only move forward and look back of all the mistakes yang ku i could learn from it.
Bila April tiba~ ehe menyanyi tia ku..oppzz haha!! Time ani sibuk lah ni..coz ada events untuk kami seniors di ITB..ada malam rumpun si waja..kira appreciation it was so boring!! awal ku balik ..langsung nada siok..except for the are they hot!! especially yang from Business Department...
Finally, Jubah yang my size ada..two girls was there arah my lecturer punya junior and my friend.. ehe..galat ku eh.. i ask them...check kan ah..mana satu yang bisai untuk dorng pun meliat aku test jubah atu...ada dua jubah yang ku test.. and finally they said "Ah..yang ani bisai...coz yang satu atu nampak pendek". Aku pun relieve lah mendangar..finally ada dah jubah ku...ehehe!!
Graduation week.. kami buat rehearsal..di ICC..dari pagi smpai tengah hari.. it was really fun..alum lagi graduate dah tia kami bergambar-gambar..iski wah.. kami semua tu...haha!! Ingat kali ku masih..orang dari bahagian protokol cakap.."Pebila DPMM membagi sijil arah kamu.. kamu cakap " JUNJUNG KASIH" and lepas atu kamu salam..and move 3 steps back and tunduk lagi pas atu baru kamu boleh berpusing dan turun" Lepas atu..bercakap tia lagi..."Sebelum kamu duduk bebalik ke tmpt kamu..jangan lupa tunduk kn kepala..walaupun ia inda meliat, lepas atu baru tah kamu boleh duduk" fuh! masa latihan atu pun aku nervous.. bukan apa takut salah wah!!
Finally, the day of the graduation.. awal ku tolak dari rumah takut akhir..pasal tempat ku ani selalu traffik especially arah kwasan Jangsak and bunut.. arah Jerudong pun sama jua tu..tapi at least dapat lapas lah... laju ku drive ke sana..ehe!! After parking apa and tunggu kwn apa..naik bas tah ku ke ICC.. selajur tah masuk and isi usual bergambar lagi..tu~ and ceta2 sambil joke around..ehe CIS ani andang bergambar and becali.. whahahaha!! Then the moment arrive, kami berbaris mengikut position yang di tetapkan sudah masa rehearsal..lepas atu, masuk ke dewan besar planetary hall.. the mood was a bit nervy sdikit..pasal nya banyak orang meliat kami masuk..eyes on us!! we all sat down..sambil menunggu DPMM datang..after dat on with the event..and finally mengambil sijil-sijil HND kami...lepas abis atu..kami yang graduate semua kana suruh keluar ke pintu depan..untuk bergambar dengan DPMM. After that, ia masuk ke kereta nya..and we wave him good bye! Siok eh..dat day..
June - August
Dalam bulan ani not much happening lah..selain sibuk mencari kerja and ikut other events macam pesta kerjaya and test. owh i nearly forgot..ehe this was the month of the creation of my football team B.E.S.T (Bukit Emas Soccer Team). We were unbeaten for the first 3 matches.. but now we've lost 3 games in a row..since our key defender and captain..(im a co-captain since he's away).. is studying abroad..and he'll only be back after his final exams. The only problem with the team is the lack of leadership at the back. aku ani main..position inda tetap yatah paya..skajap holding midfield, pas a2 left back my favoured position is a striker..tapi since kami nada left back..paksa tah jua ku main position atu since aku ani..left footed. So far, i've managed to score one and assist 3 goals.. yang ku goal atu main as a striker..tapi sayang nya defence kami kalah 3-4 the scoreline..
September (Present)
Bulan ramadhan muslim around the world are fasting..yeah~ i have an interview on this month as a programmer..and some tests..tapi the big event was reunion with my old school friends at SMB (1996 intake) , 10 tahun inda jumpa..coz we broke up as a class in 1998 so officially 1o years. we had sungkai at Asma was so so siookkkk~~~ kan adi..siok rite..hahaha...
well that's all the recap i have for now..
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