Well on the 2nd day of raya, the smile on my face stops..my sister balik semula ke UK, semester dorang starts after a long holiday back ke Brunei. Ramai orang datang ke airport that evening, maklum lah banyak students kan balik semula ke UK.
Me, well i can only wish my sister luck!! haha my sister who always followed me around when were still kids, infact we are still kids..kids to our parents that is..ehehe. I pity my sister though, because ia only sempat beraya sehari saja..she was expecting anak bulan nampak on that clear tuesday, entah kenapa terupong di Brunei ani payah kan nampak anak bulan atu..curious~~~ Mana kan..hari atu clear..nda mendung tapi still jua nda nampak.. anyways the raya jatuh pada hari khamis atu..so my sister's flight was on the friday.
We took the time while di airport atu untuk mengisi parut..hahah lapar bah~ we went to express..nyum nyum..going to the airport without going to express restaurant does not feel complete. Beramai-ramai kami makan sana..me, my sis, lil bro and cousins makan di sana while parents..tunggu di bawah saja lah..ahahha.
We went back down and continue to take pictures, talk and joke around.. it was a fun few minutes while it last. Then, the call came from the airport speaker..kana announce that all passenger departing to go into the departing hall. So all of us, shook hands (guys), hugs (for the ladies) with my sister. we wave to her until she went inside the departure hall, i notice my lil'bro sheding tears..aku pun meliat..ada sedikit sedih lah..me pun tried to comfort him..and brought him outside. Afterwards, we all went back home by going our separate ways.
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